Pricing for annual membership contributions


free membership  

Foundations, endowment funds

free membership  


free membership  


790 Kč  / Year  

antique store

790 Kč  / Year  
Registration on our server varies according to the type of user. Artists, galleries, antique shops pay only a registration fee depending on the type of membership that is paid each year in advance. Other membership in the community of Friends of Art is free. We have no hidden fees, no commission and fees from the sale of artworks. You can publish articles and lots of other ways to promote your artwork. We create an environment for the community of people interested in art on all continents, in 35 languages \u200b\u200band 38 currencies. Become a member. Expose and sell easily and professionally and just for a membership fee. We know that we still have a long way to go, but we are not giving up. Because we know that we can offer some of the best conditions for the presentation and sale of works of art, presenting artists and galleries. We are every day bigger, better and stronger. We look forward to you and your art. Our server is optimized for all common devices, you can use it on your laptop, tablet or mobile phone.